Remember this Ute I was the owner lol
Happy Australia Day 🇦🇺
Pitbull attack dog !
What is your favourite song that evokes strong emotions?
Australian here, does this spread look right?
She loves her trips to Bunnings.
Upvote for a titty drop video in the dm
The ScoMo Leer
Controversial AFL identity Sam Newman will no longer appear on Channel Nine amid George Floyd controversy
Channel Seven sack Pete Evans
Aldi, facemasks, $69.99 for a 50 pack. That's only $1.40 a mask. Bargain?
Dog attack on NSW beach leaves 91yo woman dead, four others in hospital
Morning straight piped cars
What's the Australian slang for 'meth head' or 'junkie'?
Woman dies after exposure to bushfire smoke smothering Canberra
A hungry Mum came to visit today. My Kangaroo barricade failed.
Australians shunning new cars, says car dealer giant after heavy losses
Alan Jones says Scott Morrison should 'shove a sock down the throat' of Jacinda Ardern