Evening kid friendly places?
Just installed a new router, and I need an Alan-themed WiFi name. Go.
Manchester airport to leeds
Anyone know if we have something similar to carbana car wash in Leeds.
Will we ever see a funk renaissance?
What is your favourite Leeds development either U/c or in the pipe line?
Asked ChatGPT how to make a chocolate cake
Butchers in city centre?
Teenager Benjamin Choi creates mind controlled prosthetic with AI assistance
Dalton Talks with Vanity Fair about His Roles, and Bond's Legacy and Future
If you are rich would you eat out everyday?
Single Studio in Alperton £750, Reasonable?
James Bond is in Safe Hands
Wife bought me an AM experience with Car chase Heros. Drove a DB9 , a 1975 Vantage and a newer V8 Vantage. Would love to know it's age as I'm in love ..
All Hail King Elon I
Why was Vito blowing and not being blown?
Thinking about moving to Leeds!
Has Cinema Etiquette Officially Died?!
Woke Up This Mornin, Got Myself A Gun…
Newbie to Leeds!
What is your favourite place in the UK, apart from your hometown or the place where you live now?
City Centre West Point
Saw some weird tape marks after moving into a new apartement…
Luv me new teef end of