VFX related pet names
Do most apartments allow fish tanks/aquariums?
Looks like someone forgot to turn off the tap at the Granville Loop Park
When did these tragedeigh spellings start erupting?
I painted the sun rising in Stanley Park
What's the weird thing going on with your body that isn't weird enough to go to the doctor for?
I just found out my friends older brothers name is Shaughn. Is this a common spelling?
Am I giving up on VFX too soon? What else could I try before Home Depot?
Does Vancouver have any....
My little girl Opal is quite literally the only reason I haven’t just straight up given up on life
Aspiring Wedding Planner: Can help with wedding planning without Charge
Will I get SAD in Vancouver if I already get SAD in Toronto?
Places that still have photobooths in Vancouver?
Police truck with illegal window tint.
Is this considered animal cruelty? 😹
How to make a living in VFX? And be good at it?
What has been the most grotesque thing you have ever seen in your life?
Which one is better? 🏠
Found this on my walk
The way my girlfriend fills the dishwasher.
How do I start in VFX
Sunsets here are incredible
Dog walker injured by dog on my property, am I liable?
Can I use Powdered Tide to wash my clothes by hand at the hotel?