How many Anger kills before you saw HoJ?
What does the "Just a complicated country lawyer" prompt refer to?
Is this StarCraft: Brood War in Dota 2's Source 2 engine?
(1st Grade Math) How can you describe this??
Microphone volume going down over time
Game is bugging pretty bad right now
Making 100k is rare most people make 30 to 60k per year
Blizzard **needs** to do something about Blood of Heroes in P8
This requires no Pilot license?
Season of Discovery Phase 8 April 8th - Scarlet Enclave Raid, Legendary Weapon Questline April 10th
Parents had dinner with Robert Picardo while on river cruise earlier.
[Spoilers C1E115] Is Keyleth the strongest member of Vox Machina?
Remorseless execution variant Janeway would have gotten her crew home in a fraction of the time.
What's the most you've ever laughed at a TV episode?
REACHER🪥-Who would win🥇🏆in a Death Match?!
Put these 6 in a room, who throws the first punch?
Spoiler! - This is how new Scarlet Enclave looks like from above.
New Avalon Accessable in PTR
How do you guys pronounce ARAM?
You can use hunter's Flare to remove the darkness debuff in Darkflame Cleft
I keep getting these letters on my car, they are correct it is a paid parking spot, however I PAY FOR IT.
Everyone in the game has the masculine urge to be the last one out, providing covering fire while the squad safely boards Pelican-1, myself included
Undermine was a missed opportunity to bring back Brawler’s guild
Did they animate this in PowerPoint?
If you're going to forget to limit one single chest, don't let it be nuclear reactors.