Earnest question for fashion history girlies: Would a mid-80s turbo normie have considered this an improvement or was this scene deranged even back then?
Literally everything on the internet is worse than it was 10 years ago. This mf used to be spooky good but now he can't guess Big Ed Hurley after 80 questions?
Michelle appreciation post. Fuck the Oscars...
sean baker is already being cancelled
Only a sick society would allow a man famous for trashing his mother to hold any political office
Latest luigi pics
Predicting that rightoids will start romanticizing widow-immolation sometime this year
This shit is like crack for boomers who say they could've gone pro if they hadn't hurt their knee
Oscar Isaac with a goofy stand-in cat doll on the set of Inside Llewyn Davis
Andy Warhol lookin ass
How it feels to wear anything more adventurous than jeans and a t-shirt as a man
Funniest instances of celebrities revealing insane information about themselves in interviews completely unprompted
Lettercels Be Seething Over Spiritchads, Norman Rockwell, Oils, 1959
Got it, coach
The media is too scared to interview the average person about Luigi because 90%+ of them would be like this
My response when dudes say being catcalled by a woman would be awesome
I miss when twitter displayed post counts so you instantly had empirical evidence that someone was a terminally-online lunatic
Ignoring online discourse is one of the coolest things a celebrity can do. Imagine being a beautiful millionaire and caring what deranged weirdos post on twitter.
There's loads of fake "Simpsons predicted" memes, but I've never seen anyone point out that The Simpsons predicted non-binary people claiming to be disabled when they're actually just fat
I feel like Lauren Bacall is a yesteryear icon who doesn’t get enough recognition these days
Not trying to be mean but what's up with fat women and Regency stuff?
He's still got it
Sundance winner whose debut feature is in the Criterion collection decides to take OpenAI sponsorship. Not going well
It's tough seeing someone else live out your dreams 😔
Pics from the time I met Natalie Portman