How do i fix rounded shoulders, forward head posture, anterior pelvic tilt?
What do you think of my new kit?
Are DW Collectors Series Badges Glued On?/What would you add to my setup?
7.62 suppressor effectiveness for 6.5 creedmoor
3090 in 2025?
What does r/drums think about Clown?
Upgrading my hi hats and crash - need help! I already have an A custom 20th anniversary ride.
you can’t just play the same beat on everything !!
My next bass drum design for my band.
After 8 Months of searching.
Any reason I shouldn’t buy pearl?
Berrys 220 grain 300 blackout powders?
Best ways to add weight to mdt tac21 gen 1 chassis?
Rate my setup
Snare Head Remo vs. Evans vs. Aquarian
Can't wait next version of shitty OS
Creativity in punk drumming
What is the BEST ride cymbal you've ever played/heard?
What does my kit say about YOU? Haha trying new set up.
What is your "This is why I started drums" story?
This is America
Thought we wouldn't notice
Terrifyingly accurate
this is just evil
My landlord is gonna love this