LF shiny gorebyss and shiny kabuto
LF: Pogo shiny dubwool and wooloo
Ft: Various Shinies with Sw/Sh Stamps and Pokemon Bank Stamps (NO PoGo Stamped) Lf: In description
Ft: PoGo Custom OT Shinies - Lf: Personality Marked Shiny / Jumbo or Tiny Marked Shinies / Shiny Alphas /xxs or xxl PoGo Shiny
LF: First photo ENG POGO stamped only. FT: rest of photos. Can’t fly🚫✈️ body text has more info.
LF shiny hisuian sneasel FT Below
Ft PoGo Custom OT Shinies -Lf: Personality Marked Shiny / Jumbo or Tiny Marked Shinies / Shiny Alphas /xxs or xxl PoGo Shiny
Ft PoGo Custom OT Shinies -Lf: Personality Marked Shinies / Jumbo or Tiny Marked Shinies / Shiny Alphas /xxs or xxl PoGo shiny
FT: Mainline and PoGo Shinnies LF: PoGo Stamped Shinnies (Read Description)
Looking for shiny silcoon in GO. Offering in pics. Can OT swap
Ft: Shinies Lf: Personality Marked Shinies / Jumbo or Tiny Marked Shinies / Shiny Alphas /xxs or xxl PoGo shiny
Ft: Shinies Lf: Personality Marked Shinies / Jumbo or Tiny Marked Shinies / Shiny Alphas
Lf: XXS / Mini Marked Shiny Dratini Line - I'm offering PoGo Stamped Shiny Genesect
LF: I accept offers!
Ft: 1st Pic - Various Shinies with Sw/Sh Stamps and Pokemon Bank Stamps, 2nd Pic - Various SV shinies (NO PoGo Stamped) Lf: In description
PoGo Shiny for Custom OT Lf (Shinies): Alpha Mons / Rare, Personality Marked, Jumbo or Tiny Marked in SV
LF: Zeraora/Shiny Diancie FT: Pokémon in the pictures.
FT: In Go Shiny Stuff. LF: (Read Description)
Pogo Shinies
LF: Shiny Zorua, Eevee, Froakie or Vulpix / FT: Shiny Gyarados, Tangela or Rapidash
LF: Shiny Galarian Articuno (Event or Go) Shiny Genesect (Pokemon Go) FT: Read description
Ft: pokemon in go with custom OT LF: Shiny Pogo legends/mythicals
I exchange these pokemon and PoGo with custom OT