4x your salary or 200k per month tax free, but it'll be a random job I give you
You are offered $500,000 but only if you go into the last video game you played as the main character at the start of the game. If you survive a full year you get the money.
What’s your go to party?
Who was the scariest big bad?
If you were told to bring back Dre and Julie how would you have done that
Which Breaking Bad villain would you be most afraid of in real life?
Do you consider Mike a good person?
I'm just joking by the way, it's all in good fun
Jonathan should have switched roles with Andrew in Season 7
Why do some people in the show dislike Locke (especially Charlie)?
You get offered the ability to become a master of any skill by stealing 1% of it from everyone else in the world, what would you chose?
$1Billion for one of your senses
What comes to your mind when a man refers to himself as an “Alpha Male”?
What’s the single most devastating encounter you can throw at level 20 players?
Gordon Ramsay comes to eat to your house and if he doesn’t hate it you get 1 million dollars, what do you cook ?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Should there be another addition to the universe?
If you could bring back any character from the last 65 years, who would it be?
Tanner Buchanan and Mary Mouser Announced their Engagement at the Release Event
Does anyone know / have a theory about lucifers hatred for Morpheus
Who’d win a fight all against each other. Jin, Sayid, Sawyer,Jack
Did Elliot really need a bigger...
Which of the major villains would you say were pure evil with little to no redeeming qualities?
What Lost opinion do you have that makes you feel like this?
What are your thoughts on this take?