Fellow virgin men, Is there anyway I can accept being a male virgin forever? Depression has been kicking my ass lately
Rosecrans Vic is a Gay Basher
Niggas playing soccer w Dejons head 😂😂⚽️
Hair is growing but my hairline is COOKED and thinning | no min/fin only rosemary oil and derma roller.
5'5 187 pounds currently | I've been eating A LOT and lifting heavy, but I don't know if I'm doing it right
Do you guys lie about your virginity? If so, why?
I can’t believe it’s dudes out here still chasing love lmfao
Anyone have a worse stack than this?
How do you all cope with being a virgin these days?
What do you think is the reason you would say you are a virgin?
12 month beard journey: 3 months and 2 days
Through trials and tribulations, I found my everyday stack. Franco chains 10K each.
I'm fuckin with the album.
Do I need to use minoxidil for the rest of my life? Is it salvageable?
I feel like growing a long beard is too much maintenance
Being ugly is one thing, but being ugly and short is a double wammy, lmao.
1 month 24 days | Will my mustache ever connect to my cheeklines? I shaped myself up.
I've been sober for 22 days and I want to start drinking again
I feel like quitting alcohol and taking vitamin gummies/drinking more water is increasing my beard health
Do you think men can be happy without women?
"Short guys are lucky"
9 days sober: I'm bored and want to drink on Super bowl Sunday
Should I take out my nose ring?
Nazi freaks out because he couldn't intimate a bad ass.