is it just me?
what is your favorite frank unreleased song
Who Drops first out of these four??
Rank These Albums/Mixtapes.
What song/track on this visual album that you wish was longer?
Tell me your favorite Frank Ocean song
Tell me ur fav Travis song
Describe me just by my top 5 rn
What do you think is the MOST underrated song on 'Blonde'?
What game mode do you hate the most?
Men of reddit, what's the worst thing you've stuck your dick into?
Music/Album recommendation
What are you good at?
What are the signs that you're ugly?
What is your favorite Travis Scott song?
Favorite Song from Blonde?
give me a frank ocean song and i'll rate it out of 10 <3
Compare these two albums
Best song that Frank got featured on?
Best song on each of these albums?
Which Of these three songs that you consider the best?
can someone reccomend me songs like franks unreleased song “trouble”??
I feel like Seigfried tonight
describe a frank song with emojis
Am I the only one who enjoys this song??