Does knowing how to drive a manual car help with learning how to ride a bike?
M4A1-S Sell or keep?
What bike is this?
What is your Unpopular Opinion regarding skins?
Can anyone explain why I didn't achieve this coin?
Coffeezilla looking into Cs2 gambling
Temu might have something good for once
[discussion] Chances that valve shuts down all 3rd party sites in response to backlash?
Hi. Im making a science paper on CS skins. It would really help if you could answer quick questions Yes or No
Shanghai Major 2024 playoffs creators/players/specialists Pick'em predictions
they called me delusional...
Give your thoughts on tomorrow's matches
A sneak peak of tomorrow playoffs stage
How long does a match in the major playoffs usually last?
bet yall never seen this skin before eh?
What team should I bet my money on
8/10 what a good day to come back
How silly would it be to buy this sticker to put on my gungnir scope? nothing too special or unique but looks hella sick. Or should I just keep it clean?
I overpayed +10 bucks for that skin, how much is that worth? any ideas?
I am thinking about doing armormy pass instead of working an actual job [d]
This is imo the best looking awp in cs2. I had a dragon lore and its lovely and iconic of course but the Gungnir is on another level. Whats your thoughts? (pic might look a bit wierd because of 4:3)
I cant escape them…
PW Shanghai opening stage results - PICKEM CHECKPOINT: post your results so far below
Any pickem tips ?