Why was “bacon” such a meme in late 00s/early 10s
If you wanted to know what 8 pumps look like in different cups
Harvest Moon DS Cute
ZaZoom Timing
Cup Sleeves?
But.. but I don’t have the lavender😭
Was funny until Zazoom Guy showed up
no way there are more Felinette shippers than Feligami shippers.
Neutral to the Energy Bar
Any recommendations? Lesser-known webtoons are very welcome.🍃
Another Miracle Box Design Idea
Weekly Beginner's Thread (12/09/24)
What is considered Day 1?
Still absolutely furious they didn't go with this design. This looks sick! (Early concept HM)
Its official guys, they changed the animation style🙁
Can I combine accounts? (Discord and Facebook)
Is there a magical girl webtoon?
When Does the Zodiac Curse Begin in Life
What reason caused you to drop a webtoon that other people might find insignificant/petty?
Cartoon characters with confusing genders
Chat is this real?
Idk why but this line both annoys me yet makes me laugh so hard
What's with the hate for Thomas Astuc?
Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Guide
Give me the most vague description of a character and i'll try to guess who they are!