The one timeline where Yusei got to live together with his family happily:
Who has the better Drip? The Black Rose Knight or The Earthbound Immortal King:
Yuma deserved to have Duel Spirit Interactions with Utopia:
Man it feels so weird that objectively Charizard, Sceptile, Infernape and Greninja aren't even members of Ash's Big Five anymore:
Does it really bother you all that much that Antitopian wasn't Number 93 to rival Utopia's Number 39:
With the confirmation of Lunalight getting support in Duelist Advance, what do you wish the deck gets? And what does it need to compete in the modern era?
Wallpaper of Saffira, The Divine Dragon i was commissioned to draw!
[DUAD] Set spoilers - 26th March
Share the card that made u fall in love with yugioh
To this day, I'm still wondering what did Utopia do that warranted him having three evil doppelgangers:
[OC] I Drew an "Evil HERO Shining Inferno Wing"
Kuon's locked in, but it still feels like the writers are actively trying to play around with Kuon/Levidras fans' emotions:
If you spell Yu-Gi-Oh vrains characters on Google this will be the first picture of blue angel
Which Naturia Extra Deck monster is your favorite design-wise:
When Yugi’s Duelist Kingdom antics surprise even the creator of the game, Maximillion Pegasus.
I really adore Akina and Suo's friendship:
I can't resist
Do you think we'll ever see Tempest/Tidal/Redox receive their Xyz Forms like Blaster did:
Fact: Liko have kinda same hair style as Orla after time skip. Using a Bun for the back hair and long side hair.
It would be a sick idea for Konami to broadcast some "What If"duels outside of the Lore stuff for the monthly anime broadcast. What are some matchups that you would have like to see in a modern day adaption using their new support(or even brand new cards if konami was smart lol) These are my picks.
[Reference Art] "K9 - #17 Izuna" & "K9 - #17 "Ripper""
Bond with my Cyber Dragon maidens(since Blue Eyes are female so are Cyber Dragons)wont lose to even a god!
How confident are we that Mirei is walking away with the 3-0 in her Group:
To the people who are megaman x fans which archetype does remind you of megaman x? The sky striker archetype or the decode talker archetype?
“Hello. My name is Aster Phoenix. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”