I want to stand behind her, wrap my arms around her body and completely bury my face into her hair and I don’t want to leave until I have thoroughly and deeply sniffed every inch of her hair
Emre Sarioglu - Support hero concept
Freja is insanely fun
Should I play Hog again just for this skin?
The Europeans can simply not comprehend this
Obligatory Workshop code (VROOW) to make Freja's Quick Dash bound to double jump similar to Hanzo's Lunge
I started playing OW2 again after avery long pause, is it just me or Sombra is literally the most annoying thing in the game right now?
Not trying to ruffle any feathers, these just made me laugh lmao
Well it was fun while it lasted
Pokémon TCG Pocket: Shining Revelry | Official Trailer
Look who finally cares about gun violence
There should be an option to use Freja's quick dash like Hanzo's lunge
Freja’s Slow Motion on console with aim assist feels weird and hard to control.
Ceased to exist. Wiped from the planet. Permanently retired.
So how are we feeling about Freya's burst damage? (E perk upgrade)
Freja | New Hero Gameplay Trailer | Overwatch 2
Ah yes, the 5v5 experience
Why does there seem to be so little excitement for Freja?
All EXs revealed
Setup by third turn no less
Freja Story Time with Olivia Le Andersen | Overwatch 2
Le Sserafim Juno
You can hire Freja for just 16 dollars!
That's a lot of Emre right there (Freja Storytime/Origin Story Comic)
Ashe’s cat ears on her kpop skin prompted me to make this