What’s 200ug of acid like?
Series to binge on shrooms?
Is there a way to use 2 gpu’s at once?
Why do i use so little dedicated gpu
a kid from my school overdosed and passed away last night
Are there any good games to play while doing An Acid Trip?
Has anyone else noticed this? 😂
Had a really bad trip
AITA For telling my little sister to be nicer to our puppy
Fml so close to just killing myself
the youngest age someone has done acid?
What’s a Gojira song you DON’T like?
What does reddit think of my guitar?
Better to cold turkey or slowly stop?
Is doing acid once a week worse than drinking once a week?
I want to learn how to play metal, do I need to learn differently?
Why when i scream for too long my voice starts to get to airy and dry to scream and is there something i can do to prevent that?
Is it a waste to pop acid 4 days after mdma?
Took 2 tabs 2 days ago how much will 4 grams affect me?
How do i make sure i dont damage my vocal chords?
Am i doin this right?
Tool In The Sand
What are you supposed to do if you have zero interest in life?
Watching reels in my head on 50ug lsd
Is a speech build possible?