Gym Crush
Genuinely have no idea why people think Dems moving left is a good idea.
I’m in the CC drop, everybody knows
How are you feeling about the state of your team's program going into 2025?
What is the most heartbreaking play you have ever watched your team do?
Day 10: today’s county is Sheboygan County, Wisconsin! What do you know about it, politically or geographically or culturally? Discuss!
Which do you prefer: A stadium that is more hidden away and fits naturally into your school's campus, or one that is a focal point and dominates the surrounding area?
Season your teams record was good but leaves sour taste in your mouth
Counties that voted more Democrat in 2024 than in 2020
(ESPN+ Paywall, Connelly): College football 2025 returning production for all 136 FBS teams
Viveks campaign promises on his official website for ohio governor. thoughts?
It seems too early for preseason polls, but here we are.
Minnesota and Missouri have similar population & racial distribution, yet politically very different
What does my US Congressional District Travel Map say about me?
Got this HUGE brownie as a meal swipe side at Red Pine Pizza (paper plate for reference)
Gym is more enjoyable without headphones
What if Rutgers had its own inter-campus airport system (inspired by the railroad system post that said it was inspired by the subway post) so instead of taking the bus you can get on a plane and skip the traffic and land at another campus
Aside from NIU over Notre Dame, which were the most stunning upsets of this past year?
Initial 2026 House Ratings
In sporting events I don't need music blaring every stoppage of play.
Is Rutgers still desirable if I don’t really care about parties?
POV: It's election day on 2026, what happened?
How many years would Alabama Football have to suck for you to start feeling bad for their fanbase?
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Who is your friend based on mutual hatred?