Everything comes to dust
What do y’all hope to see return?
What is your favorite archetype that isn't good and need support!
What are your favorite low cmc commanders?
Is the fruit gacha worth it
Battles - Over one year later
Picking spells
Bug persists
A strange glitch
Need to know lore for character backstory
Brisela and Commander's Plate
Casting spells from abilities
How is your bathroom situation?
Possible softlock
Am I missing something
Creating multiple tokens for academy manufactor
Exiling cards with the tenth doctor
Clarification for auras
What happens if they can't sacrifice anything
I think I broke the game
Timing questions
Am I wrong for this
Problems with Iskal Queen boss
Which archetype that needs a lot of support, would you like to see receive support?
What Card Archetype need More Support?