What else would you recommend for my skin
Speakers with subwoofer for my loud neighbor
Weird gym
Other than YouTube, how do you use your iPad?
Whats a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?
How to lose weight as someone obsessed with food?
35F what to do with wrinkles?
What is something you want but can’t afford?
Is paying more in rent worth it to live alone?
AITA for refusing to pay my girlfriend rent?
Neo-Nazis who showed up in Lincoln Heights (metro Cincinnati) Ohio were chased away by locals who stole and burned their swastika flag in the street
What is something you avoid for your mental health?
Anyone else tired of black folk acting like Trump getting elected is no big deal??
Do you guys still have that one NCO that you vowed to swing on if you ever saw them in the civilian world?
Why do so many people here say they “can’t eat pasta”
Tips for staying around 1200?
I'm getting desperate
“Exercise barely burns any calories, basically irrelevant for weight loss”
Blessed but depressed. Want to be apart of something again
2025 Please Be Good To Me I BEG
What have you discovered about yourself in your thirties that you love?
Why do we think recruiting numbers are down?
How do I Say this nicely? Blunt truth:
What made you stop socializing the way you used to?