Did she really just casually slip in that she’s lost 12lbs recently?! GTFOH
I thought she was sick of sweatpants?
Emma’s “apology” video😐
Is it the cold? Stress? She looks off
E names for girls (boys too if you have any)
I don’t post my kids but….
$54 on sunscreen. $22 on lip balm times 2. ($98) She wouldn’t have to work if she stopped spending so much money everyday.
What a psycho lol
Let’s hope so 😬
They are always sick. She’s also doing a Q & A
Realistic trajectory of K and Ps relationship?
The things this girl focuses and obsesses over is weird! To spend money on this type of crap and then come on your platform and complain about money….her life is so boring and she’s still trying to fill some void in her life.
New closet and colour analysis
AIO for getting annoyed at my boyfriend for him spamming selfies?
Hannah confirming she thinks Kyra used the podcast to get close to Prestaint
Look at that. She left the couch. Wonder who watched the kids
Am I overreacting about my one year anniversary with my bf?
Part 1
Alex…is looking more like Amber!!
You can only eat one food for the rest of your life, what is it?
25k a month