My biggest kitbash yet-yet
What is the worst model to put together?
My first scratchbuild (mostly), Thanquol proxy
The Evolution of Chaos God's Imagery
Finished the Deathmaster, i think it's my fav Skaven model, wich one is yours?
Did a riff on a Hellpit
Clan moulder needed a dragon. This is one unlucky (?) Rat.
The Brothers Four doomed to push the big gun.
Rat ogers. Garden variety, mutant and augmented. Fun conversions.
Why choose Skaven?
Rogres! Rogres! Rogres!
Moulder Warlord
I wasn't crazy about the Brood Terror model, so I made my own
Clan moulder - master moulder on gnawbeast conversion
Old Shields, New Stormvermin, WYSIWYG Help.
Verminkin Redtapes
Was accused of copying a character idea and it ended a campaign
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