Hey um... what does "crew mood: lewd" mean???????????
Is he taking the win or Nah?
What’s a sign someone definitely wasn’t raised right?
Mechanic has had my bike four four months UPDATE
What did you buy as an adult because you were denied it as a child?
💔 damn it!
Who has indirectly been the worst person in the world?
Does this counts?
Crude Dalton point
Found near a river, never seen anything like this
Dont Always Walk, Running Is Better
Ran into a guy at my local range selling his old milsurps. I offered $650 for all 3 of these and he took it. Czech Vz. 24, Mannlicher M1895, and 1891/24 Carcano. They need a good cleaning but work great. This was one of the best deals of my life.
I...uhh...found Hell....I'm going in....
this lady was yelling that the plastic chairs were all sticky
Thoughts on this Nagant I got?
Holy RNJesus look at this beauty
Question about Yugo Bolt Retainer Pin
Why is Kanye West so batshit? What happened to him?
45 ACP GIRSAN for $750
Advice on managing my bunion until I can correct them with surgery
What is the newest screenshot yoy have taken?
Are gunbroker sellers mentally disabled or just bootlickers?
She sent me this wtf do i do
What are you gonna call it?