This job makes me feel evil
"but that's not billable"
Anyone in the US ordered from Jimmy Fairly?
Please tell me it gets better
How do you get your letter formats?
ADHD meds make me act weird?
Favorite intimate scene?
Massive bill for antidepressants gene test??
Starting salary
Quick way to get rid of “nic sick”
Good neighborhood in Cbus for 23F starting professional career?
What was your Bonus
New grad who didnt get a second interview, should I try cold calling for jobs instead?
Toxicity towards female gamers is so old and tired
Is there a Stephen King line from a book that stuck with you?
3 Interviews upcoming…advice?
Which character would you keep alive?
Do I need my certification to secure a job?
What shall I name my baby based on his scan
How long does it actually take for a tax plan to go into effect?
I had a full blown “nice guy” meltdown and regret it to this day.
Elbow pain after 3 months of lifting
What's the most obscure artist you actually enjoy listening to?
Give me a song that talks about hating parties
What’s the most heart-wrenching, tear-jerking song you’ve ever heard?