Dumbest grind ever?
Voidwaker Hilt @ 5.4K KC
Lumbridge Swamp agility shortcut
Predicted Final League Position na de afgelopen speelronde.
Loot from 35 to 99 rcing
‘Wat is je gewenste salaris?’
Your biggest osrs blunder?
Should I continue the cut or start bulking? 179cm(5,11) 21 years
Slechtste Nederlandse Film ooit?
Where is Sick Nerd?
What’s Best?
Topic of the Day: Current Grinds
Hiring Gnomeball Runners (trying to create generational wealth)
Learning COX solos is the most fun PVM experience i've had
Who started their Ajax career OK, but ended it bad?
Jagex needs to start asking "What's stopping players from engaging in the Wilderness?" instead of "How can we draw players to the Wilderness?" Their mindset approach is backwards and needs to change. Suggestions to Improve PvP & Wilderness
Wat zijn de meest shady tentjes van Haarlem?
Ik heb een hekel aan vriendelijke bestuurders
Cheapest beer in NL 🍻
5 month progress
Kaal worden is niet sociaal geaccepteerd.
Please recommend some shoes for playing futsal.
Molly at a house party? Yes or nah
Gruwelijk overboden op een huis
Hey Haarlem, where's the best food at? 🍽️