If you could change one physical attribute about your girlfriend or wife, what would it be?
What’s the most extreme example of “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” you’ve seen in real life?
What's a food combination that sounds strange but is surprisingly delicious?
Whats the worst thing your parents did to you when you were growing up?
People who have carpet in the kitchen or bathroom, why?
What is the strangest, most obscure opinion you have, but will die on a hill defending?
If you knew you were going to die shortly after your last meal, what would you choose to eat?
How would the conversation between you and your 16 year old self go?
Redditors who are over 25 how did you get a job?
In what strange or completely unknown job did you end up without planifying it?
What's the reason behind the general dislike among significant portions of the human population for studying?
[Serious] What thing originally didn’t seem traumatic but has haunted you?
Saving yourself for marriage. Why?
genuine question, Are people who are born deaf able to speak?
Ex cons of reddit,how did you reform yourselves?
What do you think will be the pros and cons of Reddit going public?
If you were to swap biological genders for a day what would you do?
What is flat earthers theory on global warming?
What is the most Redneck thing that you ever saw in rural America?
Do you think Christianity would do another inquisition if the chance is there why or why not?
Is it odd to love role playing games but not actual "role play" while playing? Why or why not?
How would TV viewing be different if more and more ads starting featuring jump scares designed to grab your attention?
How did porn affect your life?
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People who run or jog, how do you keep it enjoyable or interesting?