Issues with Delta Drift in Sub-Threshold Schelmann Arrays?
ELI5: What is a wave function?
Yo he sounded a little too comfortable when saying that 😭
Is this a crazy take
[Entry Thread #102] Happy post-Valentine’s Day! Today, we’re also looking for a special someone, specifically a Redditor, to make into a millionaire. If you’re interested, comment to enter!
What mods are terrible on performance but are also are terribly fun?
The Brilliance of Mark and Cecil's Conflict
Since the game already supports mods like this, a "flat mode" (activated by a hotkey) to spot gaps in the walls could be easily implemented, right?
Are shields viable?
Acil vine bulmanız lazım
LTN has been updated for Factorio 2.0.
Is there an alternative to Dub's Apparel Tweaks in 1.5?
Band name copyright (trademark?) question.
Hello, I have a question. Is there a mod that allows you to draw and add text on the in-game map like I did? (sorry for any language mistakes, English is not my main language)
Is there anything like Woot for modern ( 1.19+ ) versions of MC?
Which train logistics train mod are you using nowadays?
ELI5: How are lasers so dangerous while using so little power?
Trump to announce up to $500 billion in private sector AI infrastructure investment
Is quality hard?
Photograph of a Pile of Cash
Hotfix 42.0.2 Released!
Is it just my game thats buggy or does picking up items from zombie corpses cause immense stress?
Is the smoker stress amount bugged?
Enough of the AI bullshit: WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT THE UPDATE???