Tomfoolery and perhaps even Shenanigans 22 M4F
Tomfoolery and Shenanigans 22M4F
I need a good friend who would come over and fuck me twice a day
Let me show you everything I know
Free Camper - Even worth looking at?
Where do I go
Will you cum on me or in me?
Exposure 22 M4F
Good luck today gentleman.
Your best and/or worst trade this year?
Who's the player on your team that you really appreciate and didn't expect to carry your team so much this year?
hockenson or otton full ppr?
Should I drop Herbert or Purdy for tua, Wilson, Winston, Stanford, Williams?
What do you need tonight to win your match up?
Anyone not starting Deebo?
Let’s hear who you took over Barkley? I took JT one spot ahead of him.
What needs to happen for you to win this week?
Hold off on Ladd or Start Xavier Worthy? Also Darnold or Murray.. I’m in a pickle!
Purdy Out - What about 49ers receivers??
Najee Harris or Racaad White/Bucky Irving?
Deebo owners only
The Most Mid RB Group
Stacked Receiver Group, Who to Sit or Trade?