her nose….
Danielle J Mitchell needs to shut up
Jaz Hand needs a stylist
Latest Video - “First night living in a hotel as a family of 7” - Her caption makes Drew out to be SuperDad ™️ but we all know he’s a SuperBum ™️
The creepy clown made the move to the hotel
Not her vlogging from the motel.
Her cats :(
The maloo is for sale!
Is This Wrong?
She wants better for her man but not her kids...
How rare is it for women to shoot their shot and it not be taken as ‘thirsty’?
the lip filler epidemic needs to ENDDD
Why do men never wear t shirts? I’m always so perplexed with the chest out 24/7
This is a rather odd thing to prefer
Do men find it attractive for women to shoot their shot?
Shes moving on to Fb
Crying in the car but doesn’t want sympathy
Sarah Emilia - lost all her mates?
Showing school logos.
Indy Clinton nose job
Ella gtfo the internet
4th kid
Favourite child.