Does it make sense to move from Amsterdam to Rotterdam ?
Centraal Station
Waarom kennen we niemand meer?
Situation with the neighbours
Trump Says Crypto Reserve Will Hold XRP, Solana and Cardano—But Doesn't Mention Bitcoin
Vuurbal vannacht boven omgeving Amersfoort
Bindings drop in Sadacos raid
Jaybeezy stealing loot
Worst show with the biggest budget currently on television/streaming?
Dinossindgeil beats God Run 3 SL1 no-hit, Dark souls 1, 2, 3, Demon Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring, back to back without being hit at minimum level
Sunglitters first death
Magnus with insane nerve control
Savix spills water on his PC while watching a clip where someone drops a water and falls.
streamer auctions off a literal piece of herself
forsen on killing moonmoon
Forsen killed moonmoon
Quin69 First MC Death of Mizkif's Raid
T1 disappointed with people he vouched for
Amphy doesn't save himself and charges back into the fight dying valiantly
T1 Rewatches the Massacre
Baron Geddon Burns down entire Tyler1's raid
Advies gezocht over eerlijke kostenverdeling bij aankoop van een huis
Marymaybe destroys Tyler in their first duel
Soda had enough of Onlyfangs