Non-sheddy or less-sheddy *wool* yarn
Strange RA appointment
Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr
Cloud Cuckoo Land
show recommendations?
Half-fisherman's rib help- it's right side: k1 below, p1, wrong side: k all stitches. I have frogged and reknit and it looks gappy.
Numb, tingling toes
If money wasn't an issue, what would be your profession?
Working after first infusion
What are some 90s terms that are no longer used today?
Touch of Alpaca in cream. 6 balls of 206 yards/190 meters each (one ball has a tiny bit less). $20 plus buyer pays shipping. Located in the US.
Suggest me the most unique book that you have enjoyed
Good books with adult female MCs that are NOT romance or a detective story - do they exist???
Obscure books that made you say WTF
Detective/Mystery Series with strong sense of place and recurring characters
Best Sweater Shows/Movies?
Anyone on here doing a Simponi Aria infusion? What are your results and side effects?
We just moved to this new appartment with this old shower. Do you have any tips on how to clean it? It's yellowish with scale.
Office blanket
Does anyone else feel okay one day and then wiped out the next?
Murder mystery novels without romance
Selling yarn stash?
Has anyone successfully gotten a reasonable accommodation for work?
Lumma Turning Upside Down
Marriage on the rocks-this is LONG