Is it Polite to Just Finish the Race?
Card Collection sucks
So much attitude for someone that's smaller than a pea
Wholesome interactions with strangers about tarantulas
Would you look at those boxing gloves?! I named him Rocky for a reason
What do you think of velvet spiders?
Saving all the lvl 7 chests
Hochzeitsfotografen gesucht
I am torn between adopting a jumper from a breeder or finding a wild one-thoughts?
My Wolf Spider, Bob, just passed recently from Old Age. Thanks to everyone who said nice things about her the few times I posted her! I had her for almost a year and a half, she will be missed sorely.
Tierpark Hagenbeck Zoo + Trope-Auqarium 1 Tag ausreichend?
Can't share this with anyone I know yet because it's a wedding present for my brother and his wife. It's a monster. It's over 6'3 tall and super heavy.
Aussie here, can anyone tell me what this spider is?
did my tarantula drink 2 bowls of water in an hour?
I dare you to high five her/him back!
Is this mycelium or mold?
Does bratwurst on streets getting more expensive?
When you start cleaning your feet and get mad realising you have seven more to go.
I was gifted a Mexican fire leg I hope it likes its new home
This is William. As you can see he's not doing his best and his feet are quite messed up. Wish I could catch him. Love him anyway.
Feeding pigeons in your local park - ideas for yr consideration
It's finally time... I think it's a Charagmus gressorius. Just walked onto my hand without hesitation and wouldn't leave for 20 minutes
Somehow I only just now realised that I can use crochet to make myself all the little friends I ever wanted
Suche einen Rahmer für Stickereien
What spider is that? Found in Germany