What is this circular site all about?
I think my friend's wife is cheating or am I going crazy?
My Coworkers turned on me
Hey real quick, what the fuck does this mean
AIO my partner of 3 years forgot Valentines Day and my birthday
Well that sucks.
Is it considered normal to leave your home wearing your pyjama pants where you're from?
Help! I stained my kitchen!
HELP!!! I hate this mac lipstick
Jobs that pay £28k with no GCSES
A woman was walking around throwing up all over the restaurant
Scratched my tattoo in my sleep, now it’s completely ruined.
Y’all not me having beef already on my 1st day and I’m petty enough to keep coming back lol
My sugar daddy sent me 3k
Seller deleted account
(Host) Manager says I have an attitude problem and people don’t like me
How to “cover” this stairwell to block it off from upstairs roommate?
AIO my bf thinks I sabotaged the MAYONNAISE because it was “liquidy”
I'm a janitor at 27. I feel like a loser.
AIO My friends roommate stole my stuff and my friend is making me feel like I’m overreacting
Job is "quiet firing me"...how the hell is this legal?
Do most Brits feel this way?
How to Order a Martini not in a Martini Glass?
The cover letter I finally had the balls to send, because I have nothing to lose
The sexiest smelling perfume - aaaand gooo!