Richter was chosen; next morally grey +opinions divided
Limit in shop
Six Takeaways from NC:TM in Atlanta, 2/28
LIs plushie for homescreen <3!
DPR Ian music video is Rafayel coded
Let’s be friends! ♡
Delulu is the solulu?
Drac was chosen; next row> Opinions are divided good person
Who would you sit with in a plane during a 12-hour flight? Also, that plane has a 50% chance of crashing...
Issac most voted next loved by fans + horrible person
everyone share your mc
Alucard was chosen; Loved by fan +morally grey?
[Diabolik Lovers] A Comprehensive List Ranking of Who I Will Sleep With to Survive (Minor Spoilers)
this is just mean 😭
Seen others doing it in other subs Good person+ Loved by fans
Sooo I found my old account it’s also 7 plus years old
Jumin's dad got chosen! Hated by fans+horrible person=?
V got chosen! hated by fans+good person=?
Working here is terrible
Jumln got chosen! (I am sorry V fans..) opinions are divided+horrible person=?
yoosung got chosen! opinions are divided+morally grey=?
Is there a route you can't/ refuse to play no matter what?
This still shouldn't be as alluring as it is
next category: horrible person+loved by fans?