pc-W: lord of blood exultation H: lots of strong items even dlc
pc- W: carian retaliation H: almost any item in game and in dlc
PC-W: Moon of Noskella H: armaments and dlc thinghs
pc-W: dark moon greatsword H: a lot of items even dlc
is there any method for free vbucks?
I finally beat the game after 6 months
pc- W: dark moon greatsword H: rare items and weapos
W: stack of runes H: karma ;weapons pc
pc- help with commander Niall
[PC] H: Everything. (DLC included) W: to vigor check you after
Hey guys it's me Leth, I will reveal the Silksong release date once this comment section reaches 1 333 331 comments. Good Luck.
[PS5] W: Can someone help me duplicate runes? H: Karma
pc-W: inseparable sword and golden epitaph H: karma, weapons and pieces of armors
pc-help with maliketh
pc-W: Twinned Set and Bloodhound Knight Set H: karma and some items
pc-W: Inseparable Sword and golden epitaph H: most of item in game, karma
What's your favorite character and why?
Boss fight help on PC
PC Misadventures
pc-help with commander niall at castel sol