A Different Partner For Rachel?
Monica and Richard?
Which of these scenes did you dislike the most?
“Show rhaenyra doesn’t have flaws”
So let's ignore that Maegor raped his neice and killed his nephews just because he made Aerea his heir😁
Just because she hates one woman, it doesn't mean she hates ALL women - by that logic, all of you Alicent haters are sexist too
I’m tempted at becoming a green tbh
Says the team whose sole claim to the throne is, "Because Daddy said so"
Is it true???
Need Some Advice On Finding Something Long-Term Via Online Dating
Let's talk about an unpopular topic How some Daemon and "rhaenyra" fans can be extremely prejudiced and toxic
Updated/Better Pictures of my Classics Collection
Hows my book/classics collection as an 18 y old
I hate getting TB posts on TikTok.. it’s always the same like 💀
why would they compare real people to a tv show???
Favorite Classic Publishers?
It's hypocritical to blame Alicent for starting a war so her son could get his rightful inheritance when Rhaenyra started a succession crisis and insulted an entire noble family so she could give HER sons something that doesn't even belong to them
TB says "Targtower" like an insult, as if Oldtown weren't the literal Westerosi version of Oxbridge, AND the largest and richest city (as stated by AWOIAF), whereas the Targaryens were nothing but beggars by the end of Robert's Rebellion
Thought on Jodie Turner-Smith as Anne Boleyn
Favorite Romance (Tragic, Dark Romance included) Classics?
What Defines A Classic To You?
Went Book Shopping Again Today…
Bought New Books! Very very happy!
Hardest Book You've Ever Read and Why?
Favorite Science Fiction or Dystopian Fiction Classics