New profile picture!
Kaiser meets Kaiser
Who will be at Raiden and Thrud's wedding?
Day:19 of killing beelzebub with many weapons because I bloody hate him
Simo x Razgriz @Tiana24116
What in the backrooms did I find on Twitter-
Lobsagi drawing a shark
Posting everyday until thoth appears in record of ragnarok day 267
Okita and Skalmold
Ego looks like Edna from the Incredibles LMAO
Name a prettier femboy (u can't say chigiri!)
how are the fan artists this fast ????? ( fan art on kaiser ‘s first official art ! )
Forget Aiku looking 30. Look at this guy from U-20
First Isagi fan-art I made. (≧v≦)♡
R9 doodles (Mostly Apollo)
You're playing blue lock and Sanji is your opponent. What are you gonna do?
Just playing around with some fun doodles this time.
Just 4 more days
Izanagi is THE hottest man in the series and I'm tired of pretending he is not
why is bro like
Found clearer version on twitter.
There you go, I fixed it
If Loviatar, Finnish Goddess of Disease and Pain, chosen to fight for the Gods, who would be her opponent?
Razgriz @Erzsebet_Moon