Is this game really as bad to play as Leffen say it is? I don’t go to tournaments or anything but I’ve been having fun.
Sending Deadlock Invites 24/7
Most satisfying move to land in your opinion?
Why does it feel like every single fucking attack is plus on block except mine?
I just got this game and I wanna play Barb but my gosh I feel so weak
Trump Bibles make a mockery of Christianity — and that's exactly why MAGA will eat them up. Faith without morality or theology, much less that "soyboy" Jesus? Sign MAGA Republicans up!
🛠️ PATCH 1.000.102 ⚙️
TTCC: Feeling kinda stuck
New to RS3, should I level my att/str/def all at the same time or prioritize one over the others up to a certain level?
Have a question about the game or the subreddit? Ask away!
Thinking about getting this game, are there any builds similar to D3 Witchdoctor Grim Harvest build?
Are there any kind of builds similar to Affliction Lock from WoW?
do I REALLY need to animation cancel to play blaster?
Thinking about maining Illium, anyone got any cool tips or up-to-date leveling/gearing guides?
[Weekly Megathread] New Players & General Questions Thread.
Is there a class that focuses on "Hurricane" skills for mobbing?
PS4 Controller dropping movement inputs, need an alternative
Trying to decide on what weapon to focus on early-mid game since magic is end game.
How would you guys feel about a PVP mode where you can't board?
Stuck on quest Mine for the Taking
Are there any builds that play like the Jade Harvester build from D3?
What does R.T.L stand for?
Thinking about trying this, is there any build for any class that's similar to Jade Harvester from D3?
Silly request, but does anyone have or know where I can get an mp3 of Faust's EN voice?
We need to be able to switch off the crossbow instead of reloading