WTF this Turdus doing?
I bought this house and the whole yard was knee high weeds. There was barely any grass. I killed everything, and decided to till the yard and start from scratch. Now I'm lost on what to do next. I didn't think I'd get this far.
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One in three U.S. bird species are struggling and need conservation support
Government shutdown impact
What will be the safest place to live in the coming years due to climate change?
Why Does this Bird Keep Face-Planting my Window?
In your opinion, what is the greatest issue facing the world???
What’s going on with Trump wanting to destroy national parks?
20% of Butterflies in the U.S. Have Disappeared Since 2000
Five bullet points is back! DoD
Does Everyone Let their Kids Have Snapchat?
Trump administration trying to hide visitation numbers
What do I do now that the Clean Water Act has been defanged by the Supreme Court?
Frozen pizza is a more frugal option than fast food when you feel run down in need an easy meal.
Scientists scorn EPA push to say climate change isn't a danger, say just look around at the world
How do you feel about Trump signing an executive order designating English as the official language of the US?
new EO just dropped
What colors did I just bring home?
What did you do last week email part 2 😑
How Seriously Should We Take the Sale of Federal Lands? Very Seriously, Experts Say
How can Americans be convinced to care about global climate change?
EPA moves to ditch finding that greenhouse gases cause harm
NOAA scientists refuse to link warming weather to anthropogenic climate change
U.S. DOE secretary: Federal layoffs won’t affect Los Alamos National Laboratory