The “Rules”
What dating app you using?
Can I get into top 20-30 schools with this score?
im about to fight a bxtch
AITAH for lying about money to my family?
ACT Test Scores
How do you even get a partner
I got a 16 on my Sep 😭😭
how can i improve my make up?
Scene that made you cry the most
why is my ACT score showing up different on different parts of the website?
My (23M) girlfriend (22F) was kissed by someone I told her I was uncomfortable with. Is this cheating?
I am aiming for atleast a 26 or higher lorddd
For The Love of ACT Science
AITAH for divorcing my wife because she lied about her fertility,
[routine help] Anybody know any products that can help my chest?
What is your favorite book and what book do you tell people is your favorite?
[acne] which of these is most likely causing pimples?