200X Moss Man Prototype?
Motu 200X “The Lost Year”
Part 2 of naming pokemon I catch after characters from total drama! What is her name?
200X Webstor Figure Details
200X Snake Face Prototype Found!
200X Multi-Bot?
SDCC 2004 Prototypes
200X Horde Buster He-Man Prototype
Anyone below 30
What were your predictions before the reboot. When the new cast was shown
Idk if this is allowed but after _3 years_ I got my first trd win!!!
How would they interact?
What if Priya was eliminated in Episode 4?
(Sun/Moon) Cut Gen 7 pokemon: a Chicken, blue and pink Sea Slugs, and Turtonator’s pre-evos
Need Help Identifying Drink
Known Scrapped Gen 7 Pokémon
Pokemon Rainbow (Sun & Moon early name) 2 planned but scrapped fossil convergent forms for Salamence and Wailmer/Wailord
My theories on what Pokemon are going to be in Legends Z-A Ordered Most Likely to Least likely (Spoilers for the Leak)
Guess The What If - no. 4!!
Updated Gen 5 betadex
Can We Expect Any Gen 8 Text Leaks?
Supposed cut SM “Basilisk x Floating Grass” Pokemon
Scrapped 2 stage Menehune Pokemon
Still devastated I can't get my fav pokemon in the game or DLC. Which pokemon do you wish you could have in SV?
So who honestly works best as the primary protagonist/winner of Season 3