After the trainwreck that was my last audio post, have this: Edge Works of Goddess ZABABA but it's made from the original two songs
i did a thing but idk what flair to use since its an audio shitpost
currently writing a symphogear fanfic/after-story fan-sequel, but idk where to post it or if it's alright so far... [SPOILERS FOR XV I GUESS]
too many chosen ones, everyone has a slashing weapon, forms based on stories, important girl goes missing at the start of the story... conclusion 1: kamen rider saber is kingdom hearts. decision: i made a keyblade seiken
Vert & Green Heart Are Ready For Cuddles [suuuuica]
PGR Fanmade Panels: A Place Where Miracles Begin
Chat, I don't think Fate is that bad
Selena who Lucia stocks up
Broke but not Broken
Songs where the title is some sort of plant
Creampie lover~
I’m a woman that identifies as a ____. Yes we exist
Maid Training
Type “I’m going to” and let it autocomplete
If you had to get rid of one of these which one would choose
What has someone said to you that made you give this look to them?
Guys will literally just see this and type "wife"
Songs titles mentioning total opposites
Where y'all sitting?
Show me The most Cursed Godzilla images ever
Type “I’m your” and let autocomplete finish it
Nihility Onsen (commission)
The devil might tremble.
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it