Can someone explain the "snake ladder" joke?
Do you believe that Europeans are more beautiful and Attractive than non-Europeans ? (Be honest)
Do you find most people uninteresting and unattractive and do you feel like this is why you have no motivation to get better?
elden ring is very clunky
[SPOILERS MAIN] In the first book, what does Jaime mean he's talking to Cersei about whether Lysa would know anything about who killed Jon and he says "She (Lysa) knew the boy (her son) would be hostage to her silence"?
What determines what we find physically attractive ?
Are DEX builds harder than STR builds?
What are romantic relationships? Are they nesscessary?
I hate people and being in public
Hardest soulslikes in order
How hard is Radagon/Elden Beast compared to Malenia
DAE feel that masturbation is better than sex because one knows how to pleasure himself best. Plus it doesn't require as much effort as sex and that the desire to have sex is more exciting than actually having sex.