Discovered I had a neighbor in my quite remote system today. Here's my beautiful base and then apparently... there's this guy. 😆HOA is going to have something to say about this!
This afternoon my four year old drew a giraffe so I gave it a shot on the printer!
BSG Episode Breakdown - So Say We All (That's a wrap!)
Bayern Class Corvette
BSG Episode Breakdown / Day 8 / Where it Should Have Ended
How a few more characters look in my head
BSG Episode Breakdown / Day 7 / Best for Beginners
Just finished BSG for the first time last night so here's a viola cover I made of The Shape Of Things now that I can finally join this subreddit, can't wait to read all the thoughts and theories
Master Replicas question
BSG Episode Breakdown / Day 6 / Most Forgettable
BSG Episode Breakdown / Day 5 / Weirdest
BSG Episode Breakdown / Day 4 / The Saddest/Most Beautiful
What are these things flanking the cockpit? Not sure how to Google something so specific
is my copy of red country real?
BSG Episode Breakdown / Day 3 / The Funniest
BSG Episode Breakdown / Day 2 / The Worst
Gains & 6
BSG remake/reboot
My newest warbond concept: Left Behind
BSG Episode Breakdown / Day 1 / The Best
Thank you BSG
BSG Double Tank-Top
Did this live up to your expectations on an accurate depiction of legends Luke’s power?
Johanns is closed - fabric for CLOTHES
How can I make an U shape?