Is there a song more commonly known than Bohemian Rhapsody that given a crowd you could get everyone singing it
Taco salad
The food packaging from McDonald’s in the 1980s.
Someone has managed to get their hands on the Texas Rangers (TETAS) hat before it was pulled from shelves
Sunday activity- do the Big D
Don't shush me
Peter please help
Which 80s artists have music that has aged well into 21st century?
Who would you say if the biggest drug users in country history?
A more formal outfit.
How often do you replace your mattress?
Interesting conversion - palenque tour in Oaxaca, MX
What are your favorite two tone colors for a classic truck?
Are things like Wedgies and Swirlies really this common in American schools?
Do you like grits,cream of wheat or both?
Why does every audience have a whistler during applause. Bonus question how the hell do you whistle like that.
How come daughters aren't named after their mothers?
Do people actually use the drawers in hotel rooms or are they just there for decoration?
A Girl Like You - Edwin Collins
What do you think about youtubers who travel the world shooting travel vlogs?
How do Americans describe very small measurements? If something was 2 millimetres long, what would be the imperial equivalent.
Did you have a curfew as a teen?
Truck Spotting 🔍- 1 picture
Is there such thing as 'musician pick-up playing' in the same way there are sports/games 'pick-up games'?