What the hell is this?
[Lotm general] GA is goated?
[lotm general] there is no wrong pathway just wrong user of that pathway what is a good example of this?
[Lotm Book 1] Audrey Manifesto
[newbie] is the protagonist a good person?
[COI Volume 8] What Secret Organizations do you wish to have seen more of?
A whole year has passed. Is there any news?
[lotm meme]*furiously writes how he's so underrated, has least screentime but the best persona, and makes up reasons why in essence Merlin has deeper writing bla bla ba bla and definitely not just klein being kind as usual*
[LoTM general]
Now it's official from the translator and Cuttlefish himself: all Beyonders below Sequence 0 can age. (Lotm general)
[COI 1112] Angels lifespan
Do you guys remember when corruption was feared in the first book by both the characters and readers, even in subreddit discussions, before the second book came out? (Coi general)
[Lotm General] where is the good pathways in Lotm?
[Lotm] personas
[LOTM general ] Describe LOTM lore poorly
According to you if you could make a romance novel out of the [LoTM] charecters, who will those pairs be ??
[LotM general] what was your favorite moment or arc?
[Lotm V8] Which honorific name doing you think is the coolest?
[LoTM newbie] Are the female characters good ?
[Lotm newbie] what should I do?
[LOTM GENERAL] Name the strongest aspect of each pathways.
Do all elves have light hair?
As children did these three ever meet eachother at least once?