What seemingly healthy habit is not healthy at all?
Thank you
When you were a kid, what was that thing you did before your parents woke up that wasn’t bad but it felt bad at the time?
Defensive drivers of reddit, what have you seen people doing in their cars that terrifies you?
What are some common things commentators call runs or catches or plays of a certain type that don’t really have a definition
Cleaning the earwax out of AirPods is pretty satisfying
What sentences, spoken in 2000, would have a very different meaning in 2020?
How do you become less afraid of being left alone with your own thoughts?
Lockett has IBM Watson workin hard
When did being transparent about your mistakes become acceptable in media?
How much money is too much money?
If you were a dj trying to ruin a party what song would you play?
Married couples of reddit, what strange decisions / tasks have you or your spouse taken responsibility for handling?
What are healthy ways to reduce the amount of gas that builds up in the intestines?
Those who share a wall with a neighbor, what is the weirdest thing you have heard?
HR professionals of Reddit, what situations truly had you dumbfounded?
Improving the taste of cheap vodka
Official: [Trade] - Tue Afternoon, 10/06/2020
If you could live in any TV home, what would it be?
What is something that made you think "man, I'm old"?
Men of reddit, What do you tell to the person who deliberately takes peeks at your dong at urinal?
What's the biggest "Bank error in your favor" type of experience you've had?
People who say “I’ll try anything once”, what is the one thing you actually wouldn’t try?
What was absolutely essential 20 years ago but is utterly useless today?
If you could host any sporting event on drugs, what sport would you pick, and which drugs would you put the players on?