I think it's time.
Should I start my own Company?
New to drone, not quite understanding how to make the same same path while staying within "line of sight".
Suggestions/Ideas wanted
Crazy save on the SIM
Sniper scope shines bright red when scoped in.
why is my sniper doing this????
What's the best console to play Guitar Hero on?
I love the old sets
Free game code
Some cool photos I took with my drone this past week!
Help with layout of new furniture of room
Help on best way to do the room layout
Would it be possible to pass a bill to completely get rid of CA state tax?
[AVAILABLE] Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture for Writers | 8th Edition | Authors: Sonia Maasik, Jack Solomon | ISBN-13: 978-1457670251, ISBN-10: 1457670259
I've been thinking of firing my financial advisor, what do you guys think of the portfolio?
Should I refund peoples items if they don't tip?
I have 35k saved up, should I buy a home?
Can anything beat my comp?
JG Diff?
Knott's Sky Tower
Ah shit, here we go again.
Nice pic while on break
Late night photo
Loving the Mini 3 Pro