[Concept] HUD for the next Battlefield game
HELP !!!!
"We want to bring back the best features from old battlefield titles" what does this mean to you?
Tether Reveals 82,454 Bitcoin and 48.3-Ton Gold Holdings
Battlefield 4 is a well-balanced game, and many complaints about balance often come from a misunderstanding of what balance truly entails.
Reddit is now the most insane power play in search engine optimization
Fed President Says Crypto 'Almost Never' Used Outside of Drug Deals, Illegal Activities
What would you pray for ?
60% of New Zealanders think NZ is either worse off or no better under the current govt.
Reddit in a nutshell
It's a really big mystery
Australian servers please
Serious Question - Why are you buying additional ships?
Dragon Age Creator Addresses Veilguard's 'Woke' Criticism
Is JP/OCE worth playing on for OCE players?
Rx 7900 GRE after a month review.
I'm honestly so tired of those exclusivity contracts keeping games away from Steam
You see this guy? Don't be this guy
The man has a point.
What happened here?
Anyone here use a vertical mouse? How is it?
ABs in serious need of better players
Each class Tier 2 side by side comparison
Stuff for new players