When did charisma and likability start mattering in presidential elections?
Who was the most insecure president?
If he could somehow see it, would Kennedy be jealous of Johnson’s presidency?
Herbert Hoover had Hoovervilles named after him and Teddy Roosevelt had the bear named after him. Any other examples of common monikers stemming from presidents?
Here’s some trivia I realized: George W. Bush is the only Republican president in the history of the two party system to flip one of the chambers of congress back into the republican column in a midterm election where he was the sitting president
Is Gerald Ford an underrated President?
Will Bill Clinton be the last Democrat from the South to become president?
Fox News tried to disrespect Jimmy Carter
In the 2016 Democratic party presidential primary, Jimmy Carter voted for Bernie Sanders.
There was a 51 year gap between deaths of the last two Democratic presidents to pass away. Every president to pass away in that time were all Republicans
Which president had the highest respect for the office?
Why is Clinton not viewed as a once in a generation impactful president the same way is Obama is?
If Reagan wins the nomination in 76’ how would the general election between him and Carter go?
Which President had the worst midterm results?
Is there technically a level of superiority Clinton has over W. Because he beat his father?
What if Obama had a 2/3rds majority in congress?
Which president’s accomplishment of becoming president feels more like a side quest they did rather than the peak of their career?
If the Lewinsky scandal didn’t happen, would Clinton be more popular than Reagan?
What caused greater damage to their party? Hoovers mishandling of the Depression for Republicans or Johnson’s mishandling of Vietnam for Democrats?
Which president would go Black Friday shopping?
Why was George W. Bush nominated for President by the Republican Party in 2000, only eight years after his dad lost?
In world war 1, was there an official request from Britain asking The United States to enter the war on the side of the allies? If so, who was it that Responded, President Wilson?
What would Nixons legacy be if he lost to McGovern in 1972?
Who was the most anti establishment President?
What is a moment during rally or public appearance that served as a significant turning point in a presidential nominee's campaign, good or bad?