I'm mentally ready to retire
Gwen way to hot
What time have Alcest been hitting the stage?
Let me tell ya a couple three things. Nothing lasts forever, not even 20 years in the can. Existence is a lot like doing 20 years in the can. And, your always changing, even when you’re doing 20 fuckin’ years!
Dawgs, shells & cheese, and some broccoli
John Roberts Warns Trump After His Call to Impeach Judges
safest way to smoke🤔
What's different about you?
Going to Alcest show with partner, what to expect in pit?
To me, she beautiful *spit*
What’s the most unfortunate band name of a band you love?
Tim Walz is considering a run for President in the next election. What do you think about his chances?
The fuck kinda likeness is that?!
Avowed impressions from a 32 year old regular dude that likes games
It’s beautiful 🥲
Davey? Fuck you doin?
How much do you keep ground?
Just Got My Old VCR Hooked Up and Picked This Movie For My First Viewing
Didn't wanna cry today but here we all go.
Steely Dan Trading Cards
Deep End Daily Dan - 20/80 (Night by Night)
To cry like a woman? A fucking disgrace.
Name a character from the Sopranos you wish had more screen time. I'll start:
Who is Katy?
When Rikki loses that number