My first roll
Is this much banding normal for polarised prescription lenses?
First months with Pentax 17
Who is the actress circled in blue?
Self portrait, 35mm, Canonae1, ILFORD Delta 100
Freepost parcel posted in post box hasn't arrive to the business
Starting out in B&W Dev - Developers?
Active x Retired Threesome
Pentax 17 critical flaw
Budget PC for Dota 2 High/Max Settings at 60+ FPS
Got my Pentax P30T but need a good 50mm Lens that would work with Apeture Priority?
Top 3. choose yours
Advice on first reflex analog camera
New (to me) Pentax P30t
Whats a good cheap 35mm b&w stock?
Rate my b&w photos, what can I do to improve? [Pentax P30, 50mm 1.7, 28mm 2.8, various film stocks]
My roll developed blank
Stand developing Kentmere 400 shot at 800
How much do you spend on film per month?
Pentax p30
What would be your EDC film photography gear?
how to develop a partial roll?
What's your all time favorite film?
Actress Recommendation - Can anyone recommend me actresses with this kind of body type?
Weird focus shift issue with Contax T2. Any ideas why?